Monday, July 19, 2010

Log Table for M7 Sawmill

We recently did a demo day at my farm in Alabama. We had several oak logs that were the right size for showing the M7. We wanted to have them ready for quick loading and leave them the unused ones there for quick loading onto the sawmill in case someone came up for a demo later in the summer. So, we built a nice log deck out of these logs. My son, Rivers, was the main builder of this platform, I just helped. Here is a picture of the result.  You can see that we selected two fairly straight good sized logs - about 14" in diameter. We cut some short logs and notched them with a v-notch, so these top logs will be stable, and then placed the  log deck logs on top of them.  The whole thing is very stable.  You can always add some screws to the setup if you are worried about movement.  But, if your notches are deep, the log deck will be very stable and you can pile the logs on them.  You can see that the log deck is about the right height for the M7 sawmill log supports, so you can just roll them over onto the M7 when ready.  We also brought the logs over on a trailer, and they log deck was the right height to roll the logs off the trailer onto the log deck.  This log deck makes everything easier!

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